Wednesday, 24 December 2014

An Open Letter To The Girl Who Let The Nice Guy Go

I’ve seen it happen way too many times: The nice guy loses the girl for being exactly who he is.
What’s even worse is if he’s really the nice guy, he’s going to lose her and say nothing about it. He’ll accept it as something she truly wants and give her his best wishes, as she walks away being everything he could ever want.

On behalf of all the nice guys out there, this is to the girl who walked out on the best thing that ever happened to her:

Dear Girl Who Walked Away,

It’s not like you weren’t aware of what you were getting yourself into. He told you he was nice. He trusted easily and gave you all he could when he could. The nice guy believes in doing things right. He was there when you needed him to be, and he went out of his way to make sure you knew just how much you could mean to someone.

We live in a generation where we all have to wear masks and play parts to make it through the battlefield of dating in the 21st century. There is no such thing as giving it your all. We like quotes on Facebook and post things on Instagram stating we want the masochist one day and the romantic the next. We play these games where being available can only happen sometimes, and playing hard-to-get must be our number one priority. Why?

I thought the ultimate goal was to eventually settle down. I mean, what is the point of dating if you have no desire for it to go anywhere? If a one-night stand is what you’re looking for, leave the good guys alone and toy within the levels you lay down. Save yourself time and energy because the good guy isn’t going to make it easy to just walk away. The good guy cares, so he’ll get his explanation from you even though he knows it’ll be a load of bull.

Every girl says she likes the assh*le because he’s the challenge — the one she must break, train and force to be more than just a douchebag. Have you ever thought, however, maybe you were the girl in need of learning what it means to actually feel again?

You went through something, like we all do, and because of it you changed. It’s normal and heartbreak happens, but the next assh*le didn’t fix what the first one did; he kept it the same or made it worse. His priority was not you and couldn’t be you. So now you’re bitter and closed off from anything remotely more satisfying than a one-night stand.

I won’t deny that the assh*le is fun or that a good time isn’t promised with him, but when it’s all said and done, is it ever more than just a good time? Probably not.
In fact, the assh*le has a charm about him; it’s the charm you justify your pursuit with. You say, “There’s just something about him.” However, it’s probably the same quality that ended up hurting you in the past.

So you tried to push the nice guy away. When he wouldn’t go away, you pushed harder. Still, he didn’t give up and every time you pushed harder, he pulled you in even more.

He ignored your fears and forced you to grow; he fought for your passions when you were too busy writing them off. He forgot your wants and focused on everything you needed. Then you walked away because he was too nice.

He gave you too much of everything you wanted, and life got too easy. You wanted conflict and hardship as if everything else in life did not promise you an endless journey of just that. This is where you failed.
The nice guy has been hurt, too, he just chose to stay nice. He learned that different people were going to provide him different things in life. The nice guy also chose not to let any of it change who he was.

So, he let you walk away and he called it a day. Everyone always says there are plenty of fish in the sea, and he let you go knowing this, even though it hurt.

What you don’t know is that someone else is out there, and she won’t be as foolish you. When you realize all you really want is the nice guy who cares about you too much, it’s going to be too late. Some other girl will be able to see how great he is, and she won’t waste a minute.

So you lost your Ted Mosby and, I promise, to him you were Robin. The nice guys are there to give you a break, a light to something more than the games we identify our generation with.

He may have loved you too soon and it was too crazy and too much, but guys like Mosby don’t happen every day; they happen never. He got you the blue French horn, and he made you feel love when love was no longer a part of your vocabulary. You were now saying “I love you” again and remembering what it felt like.

He was the guy you were supposed to end up with, who makes everything change. I just wish you’d see it before another girl does because at the end of the day, everyone, including the nice guy you don’t deserve, is rooting only for you.

Sincerely, The Girl Who Was Too Late.

Source: Elite Daily (Written by Frish Yaqubie)

Monday, 8 December 2014

Die hard fans? The AFF Suzuki Cup 2014

Personally I would like to say congratulation to my country's football (or soccer) team for making it to the semi-finals of the AFF Suzuki Cup 2014 with a tremendous performance that show to the world that Malaysia is actually a force to be reckon with. But for the next few days afterwards, where Malaysian team confronts the country that once feared by the world, Vietnam. Now there only one sentence or qoute to potray the first aggregate for the match, 'Pride Comes Before The Downfall'. Malaysia was beaten by the Vietnamese with the score of 2-1 and Malaysia only goal was through a penalty kick by Safiq Rahim, Malaysian Captain.

Although honestly I was unsatisfied with the game as I place my full support to Malaysian team, But I think Vietnam actually deserve the win because their team actually show a better chemistry among the player, a highly trained team with experienced players and I dare to say that they shown to me an overall World-Class performance throughout the match. I hate to give first impression towards a game but I just can't stand the huge gap of skill differences between the two South East Asia countries. The Vietnamese really outdone themselves this time. In the past friendly match between the two country, Vietnam team are a lower average team performance (my personal point of view) but the AFF match proves me wrong. Vietnam didn't just merely won this match, they won this match in Malaysia! Wow! Seriously? With the Malaysia fans screaming and chanting nonstop throughout the game!? You have my salute Vietnam!

Talking about fans, there was a recent incident that happens after the match between Malaysia and Vietnam where Malaysian fans (we here in Malaysia call them 'Ultras Malaya') showed their 'ferocity' at the Shah Alam Stadium by beating up Vietnam fans! Some of the Vietnam fans that come to the match were forced to scuffle with the Ultras because they were clearly assaulted by the Ultras themselve. Yes, we Malaysian were disappointed by the game because we lose at our own home soil. But, showing this kind of attitude after the games watched by other countries were a far more disappointing act than the defeat of the game itself. I am embarassed with our so called 'die hard fans' of our football team. Where is our identity as a Malaysian or to be more specific, a Malay that was infamous for its polite attitude and culture?'Ke mana perginya Melayu kita? 'Come on Malaysia! We are not Panem(Hunger Games references) that tries to have a riot for an obvious reason. Burning flares and injuring a person head is just an unacceptable attitude for a Malaysian with a no obvious reason at all! Show a good ettique in a game people. Try to take an example from Japan from their attitude in the FIFA World Cup 2014 in Brazil! (Google search it for further information) this is a pure embarassment!

The thing is, we Malaysian have this one bad attitude, we don't think the consequences, think what would happen to the fans that will go to Hanoi Vietnam to support Malaysia? I leave the imagination to the readers to picture what would and can actually happen to them. I hope the Vietnam didn't keep a grudge to the Malaysian or other wise, again I leave this to the reader to think about it. As a conclusion, I hope that our fans will never do his kind of behaviour again. This some pictures that I found in the web that shows the act of the die hard fans.👇

So embarassing(Always a Malaysian fan though)... 😣

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Top 5 Most Commonly Lost Items in College

NO. 5

This is the most commonly use s.calculator in college.
Calculator was on the last of the list because it was a very valuable piece of equipment. Thus students were unlikely to lose it. That is why it was on the tenth item that most commonly lost item in college. Students were not likely to lose this item, but dropping it when examination time was commonly happen. In fact, it has become a must. Hehehe.

NO. 4

Haha, better keep an eye on it.
Haha, you never know you had it sometime until the moment you want to use it. Isn't that right? Stapler ranked number 9 because it does not as valuable as the calculator, but students will usually lost it when you most needed it. In fact they never realized that they've lost it.

NO. 3

Better buy just one so that you tend to
treasure it more.
Have it occurred to you that you've just replenished your supplies of stationary which of course the pens and pencils, 5 pens were put inside your pencil case and by the end of the end of the day, you noticed two were gone. Hehehe. Magic right. That is why pen/pencil was ranked third on the list.

NO. 2

Remember this?
Hah, eraser has pop out. You knew it was coming right? Hahaha. Eraser ranked second because by the size of it, students often lose it. In fact, in some case your friends accidentally took it by mistake. Because, eraser was usually shared among the students compare to having your own eraser. Am I right? In my experienced, my friends when it comes to eraser, always blaming it on others for mistook it.

NO. 1

Where's my ruler???
We've finally come to this, ruler ranked number 1 because it was the most often lost item in college. I don't why but in my past experienced, during packing my stationery, ruler were the most common item that tends to lost. 

~Well then, that is all for now. This list is according to my experience. I know some of you does not agree with me. Feel free to drop a comment about the most common thing that you've lost when you are in college. Until we meet again in the next entry, may you have a blessfull day always.

Thursday, 23 October 2014


One of the challenges in life, EXAMS!!
The day that all students are having butterfly in their stomach has just behind the corner. Now is the time where students are having a rough time studying for their exams. Besides that now is the time where libraries will become their second home instead of Curry King. Hehehe. Hanging out with friends are the most common and likely to do when handling with their free time. But when the time comes what a students need to do, all of that must be put away and focuses on the task at hand which is studying for their examination.

My past experienced when it comes with examination, i would rather spending my time alone studying. And you know what, it proves me wrong. Why did i said this because, each and everyone of us has their own kind of learning technique. Some people tends to study accompanying with the nicest music that they can get. Dont be surprise if some of you tends to study in a quiet with room. As quiet as cemetary like environment. Hehehe. As time passes by, i learnt that my kind of studying is through study group. For me that method is much more fun and exciting compare to studying alone. Two hands is much better than one. In this situation, two brains are much better than one. Hehehe.

When studying in a group, your brain tends to work more efficiently. This is because as you trying to understand the knowledge, plus with the questions that your friends ask you, you will start to grab the knowledge and understood it well. Trust me it works very well. Its like you receive payments plus interest. Hehehe. Exam is a must path that all students need to overcome. It is hard to swallow but it is what it makes us more mature when handling which task is much important to us.

Exam anybody??
The most common advice that we heard is study smart not study hard. There are a lots of advice we heard when approaching examination days. Isn't that right? In my opinion, we should know what aspects that we want advice so that we can improve on that matter. Such as, is studying late night is much better than studying during daytime? What are the pros and cons of such thing? By doing so, we will be much more prepare on what we are having to face. Another example, what kind of skills or techniques that we need to know when studying physics? By searching the answers for this question, it will help us in understanding more in how to tackle physics paper in the future.

As for the conclusion, be strong of what ever challenges in life that you will encounter. One of the challenges in life the examinations, it is step where you will need to pass in order to enter another stage in life and also in becoming human itself. Fear is just in mind, do not let it control over your body and your mind. Be brave and not to forget do your homework, your exercise, your study in order excel in your examinations. Hoping for the best without hardwork is the same as waiting a tree to grow without watering it. I pray that whoever read this entry and at the same he or she are having their examinations may excel well in their examinations. Not only excel but pass with flying colors. That's all from, see you next time. (^_^)

Sorry for the bad grammar or spelling.
May in the future i will improve my writing.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Small Steps Will Eventually Make a Difference...

Badminton, my kind of sport...
Hey there, nice to meet you and i really appreciate that you willing to pay a visit on my blog. Lots of smiley for you. Hehehe. Well then, today entry will be on what had happened on me these past few days. My story today was corresponding with the title that small steps will eventually make a difference. I am sure that you've all read about a story about a rabbit racing with a turtle. In the end of the story, the turtle won the race eventhough it was clearly the winner was the rabbit. Some goes to my story where it all started from scratch until it became something that has become part of my life.

Do you like sports? I'm sure each and everyone of us has their own sport that they like. Such as squash, badminton, soccer, or even sport that not even required physical strength such as chess. For me badminton was my preferred sports. I really like that sport to an extend i spend a lot of money on it. For me it was an investment compare to buying a box of cigarette. FYI i'm not a smoker. Thus it was better for me to spend some of my money on something that was more beneficial to me aside from being sick of being a smoker.

It all started when i was playing with my neighborhood friends. Just playing in front of the house, without the net, with the worn out shuttle and a very low quality racket. Hehe. As i progress writing this entry, it all brought back my memories when i was just a kid. As we all played, i suddenly became more interested on this sport and eventually the urge to get stronger and stronger came to me that time. I've started to watch the world badminton players performed on the TV. I've become motivated to play like they played. Because of that, i started to play more seriously. I tried to find sources where can i learned to play like that. From books until YouTube were beginning to become my references.

It was a precious moment seeing your name on the scoreboard,
 even just a part of your name..huhuhu..
The first tournament i i've won was the closed tournament organized by the Petroscience Volunteer Management Unit (VMU) if i'm not mistaken. It has been a long time since i worked there as a volunteer. It was a very exciting game that time. Eventhough it was just a small competition, but for me it was a big game. Who wouldn't be nervous because it was the first tournament that i entered since i've played in the interschool competition and won bronze medal for men doubles. For this tournament i played in single category because i don't have a partner that time to play doubles. As i progress in that tournament, harder and harder it gets. After all the hard work, i finally came as the champion for men singles. Hohohohoho. Only God knows what kind of feeling that i felt that moment when i won that time. I'm very excited that moment where all my hardwork has finally bear its fruits.

To be honest, i really don't have talent in badminton. What drives me was only my enthusiasm of that sport. It is true. I know because many comments and critics that i've heard throughout life until now. It was very depressing i someone underestimate you. There was time where i was going to hang up my racket and stop playing badminton anymore. It was a very good experience for me in overcoming obstacle in life. I know we all have to face many challenges in life, some challenges even makes you want to give up everything. But i keep my feet firm on the ground and just move forward without turning back. If i followed what were they said to me, i will not arrived at this point were i have qualified to play in an prestigious tournament representing my college. Winning or losing was a common thing in competition. But the most important was the experience that we get during the game. It will eventually makes you more matured in overcoming the upcoming competition. Losing will taught you lots of things compare to winning.

My teammates...still young and yet lot to learn..
Unfortunately, i have lost on the second round of the tournament. The first round was against Taylor's University. The second game that i have lost was when against International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Maybe my luck was not on my side. I was playing in doubles event. The game was played in University Malaya (UM). Its ok, there is still next time. Well then, i think this is all for today entry. Sorry for the bad grammar or spelling, i admit that i still have a lot to learn to improve my English. I love to write, i hope this will not going to prevent me from sharing parts of my life where all the good examples should be set as an example while the bad things should be put away. Until then, see you again, bye! Hehehe...

Monday, 29 September 2014


Yeay!!! The school holidays had finally arrived. This was the moment when all Malaysian were waiting for. Why?? Because this is the time where our parents were gonna take us for a vacations and we children were not going accept no for an answer. Isn't that right people?

Without wasting more time, let me share you my holiday that I had gone through this year. This year my holidays were not spent by going for a vacation to another country or to the most popular vacation spots in Malaysia. But my holiday was spent with my friends because my parents were to busy with their works. Its okay, because for me this has lead me to spend and explore what kind of experience when spending your holidays with your friends.

First it all begin with small talks that eventually lead to making a plan of going for a holiday in Pulau Kapas. First of all we thought that it was a ridiculous idea, but eventually everyone was agreeing with this plan. I never thought that it was going to get real. Without further a due, we all went buying bus tickets at the nearest bus station. The plan was carrying one backpack for each and everyone of us, get on the bus, then enjoy whatever adventures awaits us in the future. We were so called backpackers that day.

I didn't lie you all..hehehe
Upon reaching the jetty before going to step on to Pulau Kapas, we were introduce with the person in charge of getting us boat to get to Pulau Kapas. Hilariously, the agency that was going took us there was 'Mak Cik Gemuk' or in English we say fat auntie. Hehehe. It was more than enough to draw a smile on everyone of us after a long hours of travel from Selangor to Terengganu. At last, the boat has arrived and we were very excited at that time plus with some nervousness to those who were afraid with the sea, truthfully speaking I am one of them.

Woooooaaaaa....from a far, It was breathtaking seeing the view of the so called Pulau Kapas. We were all mesmerized with the wonderful creation of The Almighty. What a nice view, automatically the view was stored in my brain in the 'Until Dead I Remembered' section. As the boat approached the beach, we were very excited. Why we excited? Because we were called the city boys had a chance to experience life away from the cities. Not to mention some tourist were in their bikinis. Hehehe. Our eyes were frozen for a moment that time. One more thing, the sand was so soft compared to the sand that you all experienced from the main land. Then we all went ahead to our chalet to settle down.

Cameraman wannabe...
Oh My God (OMG), to be honest, the time that i spent with my friends on Pulau Kapas was priceless. From the sun rise until the sun set and even when the sun was replaced by the moon, our activity were never come to the end. We played volleyball, snorkelling, swimming and even had a coffee together. It was memorable memories that i will treasure as i started to get old. The most treasureable moment was when i snorkelling i almost stepped on a sea urchin!! Hahaha. Besides that we were trying to catch a crab!! Hahaha. That was the time where our childhood stuff were rekindled. I never knew eventhough we were all in our twenties, but we still have this childish self in everyone of us. Its true that a quote that i've learned when i'm in my secondary, 'you never get old'.

Some picture to share...

The last day had finally arrived and we were all set to get back to the mainland. Before setting off to the mainland we managed to get a picture together of all of us. It was the most amazing event that happened in my life. I shall treasured every second that i spent with them that day. We all went back with a smile on our face. Some part of my heart kept telling that it doesn't want it to end. But what to do, life must go on. Everything that has a beginning has an end a quote from The Matrix. Hehehe. Finally i would to thank you for reading this entry until this point. By that i end my entry today, see u all in the next entry. (^_^)

sorry for the bad english..hehehe..

Tuesday, 6 May 2014


Example of social network.

Everyday the world has become more and more advance in every field that you can come out with. But the most stand out among them all are the information technology. Advancement in this field has lead to making jobs and works become more easier, faster and more organize. In parallel with it, it is also the birth of social networking where people can interact and get to know each other. Internet has enable us to communicate with others 10 000 miles away. Does it not amaze you enough?

As the world become modern, and life is getting more easier, therefore social life also become easier. Social networking has become a part of everyone in their life. Out of 10 people, 9 of them has Facebook account. Trust me. Social network has its own impact to every one of us. The effect will vary with the individuals. Some people are good in managing their life, thus they are not easily distracted by this virtual social life. But there are some others that is making their life much more worse with this social network. Why must i talk about the effect of social network on other person instead i can be one of the person who being affected by social network. What i am trying to say is what is the effect of social network to me.

First, it lets me connect with my friends. I am amaze that when the first time i use Facebook, i was asked to be friend from a very long lost colleague of mine. That is the beauty that i see about Facebook. Furthermore you can get to know the person better by the pictures or status that they share on the net. As i start using Facebook, i eventually feels that there are some people out there are having a bad time when comes the time when you feel down with your life. Thus i would like to inspire people out there with my status. I do not want other feel bad with their life, instead they should cherish their life to the fullest.

There are time where you spend more time on the computer. Being unproductive is a very waste of time. God has given you time where you should use it to become a better individuals. Not being a lazy bum. It also happens to me. Sometime when you update your status you are expecting your friends to like it or to comment on it. This act will surely cost you. Do not let the Facebook control you. We are human thus we are the one who are controlling them. I seldom spend more time on social network because i don't have many friends, thus i use social network as a medium for me to express myself and maybe inspire other to become a better person.
Artist illustration on social network.

Spending time the social network will get you nowhere. Are you certain and sure that your friends in the social network will help you in time in need? Are you sure that they are wanting to be your friend sincerely? There are people where they are proud with their many friends on social network. Hello, what there is to be proud of? I bet that there are only a few that you really know who they are. Others are just as an accessories in their social network. Unlike me, i treasure my friends dearly. I do not know what will happen to me if they are gone. I prefer getting to the person in person which we can laugh together, walk together, share our emotion and many more. There are saying friendship is like a book, it only take a minute to burn but take lots of time to write the story.

In real life, i am always searching what to add in my life. Whether it be friends, experience, social life.I would like all this to stay out from the virtual life of the social network. If i had to run, i will run. If i had to jump, i will jump and if i had to confront it, i will. That is my motto. I shall not let social network becoming the wall between me trying to enjoy my life to the fullest. My advice before i end this entry, get out there and look people on the eyes, not your smartphone. Let them know that you exist in real not virtually. I am human, and i am proud being a human...


My love, there's only you in my life, the only thing that's right...
My first love, your're every breath that i take, you're every step that i make...
And I...I want to share all my love with you, no one else will do...
And your eyes, your eyes, your eyes,
They tell me how much you care..
Ooh yes, you will always be, my endless love...

What a wonderful song sang by our beloved Lionel Richie and Diana Ross. The lyrics had touched me deep inside. No words can describe what am i feeling while listening to this song. Love. Love is a strong word. People nowadays have their own perspective about love. Some people said that love is blind. While others said true love lies on the eyes of the beholder. They even said that love can make you crazy. This entry is not just only a writing, but also an expression of my perspective on love itself.

What is love actually? Love is an intense feeling of deep affection to someone. Sometime it makes you wonder what kind of feeling that you are having. Living in this world alone is just the same as the earth without its mesmerizing nature. God have created us pair by pair. Same goes to human, male and female. We completed each other. Furthermore we needed each other in order to enjoy and cherish our lives together.

As day by day gone, I learnt that there were many things that we need to learn in order to know what was the meaning of going through your life. There are time we are looking for something. The one thing that make you complete. Some people find it in the eyes of their lovers, while others find it in the face of their children. The one thing that we all are searching for is love. Sometimes we find it in an unexpected ways and places. At the end of the day as you find it, you will be flying without wings, pure joy and happiness.

We all have a dream. Pursuing to the destination where we accomplish what we ever dream off. As fairy tales have their own happy endings, why not we also have our own happy ending. As love can come in many form. It may be in the form of loving your love one, or maybe loving your pet. Treasure it as it may be useful for you in the future. Love always bring joy in your life, but sometime it may cause you not thinking straight.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

The Advantages Of Playing Video Games

Example of game : Left 4 Dead
Youngster today has become more advance in the world of Information Technology. Where everything is just one click ahead. Internet has given a big impact in this world where everything can be access through the internet. In parallel with today technology, games also evolved into something that has become more addictive nowadays.No wonder with all the graphics, gaming experience, games has been revolutionize. The question is : Is playing video games good for us?

As people playing video games, they realized that they actually learning something by doing so. People are wondering what would they learn by facing the screen and let their thumbs do their work? Interview conducted showed that they actually learned English through gaming. This can be proven when gamers played games, they are in the state of learning. Some words cannot be understand without looking through the dictionary, but through the action in games, they eventually get a hand of understanding the word. Thus, it will increase their word bank in future use.

Example of game : League of Legends
Playing video games will sharpen our senses. There are five senses that are know to man. Which are hearing, looking, touching, smelling and tasting. All four are important to us. Where all sense working together to make our life easier and meaningful when going through with our lives. Putting aside the sense of taste, when a gamer is in action, their eyes, ears and hands are working together to perform a specific task. At this state, their senses are put to their maximum potential. This will eventually train their senses to be more keen and quick. Therefore, example in real life, it actually taught the individual to be fast in decision making. Beside that, when attending lecture, the person will have a sharper hearing skill which result in getting the information for accurately.

 Doing many things at once is call multitasking. Playing video games need you to do multitasking. It require the person to perform several actions at once. Thus it require a lot of skills to do so. It become harder as the action needs accuracy and dexterity. Therefore, playing video games are not just a waste of time. Learning while playing is much more better and more enjoyable. In real life demands someone to do multitasking such as doing chores and many more. Playing video games are on of the ways to prepare someone to perform many action at once.

Example of game : Gears of War 3
As for the conclusion, playing video games are not just a waste of time. Although it seems to be like it but, it also give benefits to the player. Thus, it is not just for killing your time. At the same time you are learning something. People need to change their perspective about playing video games. There are example of people are making money just by playing video games. Anything can happen in this world. For all the gamers out there, make time for other things in life which games cannot teach you, that my friend will let you win games that comes in your life.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Online Shopping : Impulsive Vs Research

An artist ilustration on online shopping.
Shopping has become an important activity in our life. People are now becoming addicted in shopping. Such items are handbags, shoes, clothes and many more. Not to mention that, groceries are also as important as other goods. As we venture forth into the modern era, many many things has become moderniezed. You can even read news on your mobile phone nowadays. Internet has given a major impact on this world and also in the world of shopping.

Today online shopping has become a phenomena. People nowadays are becoming more 'lazy' thus they prefer go shopping online. Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce wich allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser. There are many kind of items that being sell on the internet. From televison to paper clip. All sort of things are available in the internet. But the question is should we buy it impulsively or through thoroughly research?

The word impulsive means acting or done without forethought. In the world of shopping, people tend to buy things without thinking. Eventually it will cause problems for some of the people at the end of the month. If you what i mean. Shopping impulsively has many disadvantages, such you will end up buying something that is no use for you, overbudget and many more.

Examples of online shopping web sites.
Trust me, people that buy more items than he or she could carry usually the items will end up in their closet. Buying with just considering your emotion and lust will be a waste compare to buy based on what you need. In a month, you do try to save some money so that in the future when there is an emergency, you can use that money for that. Buying impulsively can cost you in the future.

On the other hand, by going through research, one will simply know what is needed and how to get it. In the world of online shopping, there are a lots of scam. Thus, we need to be more carefull in using this method. Because, in some cases buyers already paid for the item, but the item does not came at all to the buyer. To overcome this, research is needed in order to know whether the website is an official and recognized by certain bodies.

As for the conclusion, going through research is much more safe than shopping online impulsively. We surely need to know what is our spending limit before engaging in this online shopping. Thus, in the future we will not being pressure by debts if we only buy what is needed and necessary in our life. Finally, online shopping is addicting, which we need to contain it not the other way around.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Smartphone But Less Smart People

Example of smartphones that are available on the market.

Smartphones, does it make us less smart? A smartphone is a very advanced technology that is own by mostly every  person.  It is also used every single day in our lives. They help and give us the information that we need such as any business-related matters, a 'toy' for a kid or a device that will give us entertainment. This may sound that it is a very good thing, but it is unfortunately not. Therefore, I will precisely explain the reasons why I am against Smartphones.

Firstly, Smartphones are great when using for communication purposes but it is making us less smart as most of the people use it more often than we are supposed to. People have become less socially interactive due to their dependence and obssession in Smartphones. For instance, there are people that would constantly check their Smartphone while walking or doing other activities such as hanging out with their friends or having a date. This shows that people are not aware of their surroundings as they are always busy doing something on their Smartphone. This leads to lack of social interaction and may cause the person to not get used to talking to other people in person. Therefore, people should converse with other people, not with the Smartphones.

A situation in asia country which show that people are spending more time with their smartphones.
Secondly, Smartphones makes us less productive. Smartphone is a tool that has everything in it. According to the article that I have read, they did a survey in their company in order to find out the difference of the employees with and without a Smartphone while working in their workplace. The result shows that having a Smartphone during work makes everyone to be less productive. Smartphones are a huge distraction while working as there are a range of activities that a person can do in it such as e-mails, text and video messaging, phonecalls, playing games, taking down notes and more. Therefore, the employees think that Smartphones are very reliable when working although in reality, it is not.

Thidly, having Smartphones is a problem itself as it is a device that can do what the brain does. it would have been better if it was built into something that the brain cannot do. Creation of Smartphones is like building the escalator when you already have the stairs, it does not help us use our muscles and brains in order to remember simple and important information and events that we need and are happening in our lives. I agree to a psychological fact that says "use it or lose it" as this applies to our daily lives when using Smartphones such as remembering directions using our brain instead of using a GPS application from the Smartphone. Once we do not exercise our brains, we lose the skills that our brains can do.

Fourthly, there is a huge impact to children when they use Smartphones. Smartphones separate the children from the principle of social interaction. Smartphones are designed to entertain the youth and adults but this discourages the children from interacting with the other kids as they do not really talk to each other using their mouth, but they just type the words that they want to say on their Smartphone and sends it to their peers. The Smartphone also lowers their confidence towards other people. Smartphones can also ruin the child's brain development. Rather than doing physical activities such as running and jumping with all the other children, they just sit on the corner pressing, swiping and tilting their Smartphone screens. This can also affect the children's health as they are often less mobile while playing with their Smartphones compared to what a usual kid would do. This results to children not having enough physical exercise that could result to being unfit and overweight or could develop any sickness or disease that may arise from insufficient physical activities.

People are becoming anti social with their daily life.
Lastly, Smartphones are becoming an extension of the human brain. People are being dependent to the Smartphones by using it as a GPS in order to remind the user about the upcoming events such as birthdays, assignment due dates, work-out routines that should be done on a particular date and more. These events and reminders are supposed to be remembered and stored in the brain, and our brains are supposed to be the one reminding the us these information. Therefore, this enables the brain to be more active and aware about our surroundings. Furthermore, by using the Apple iOS application Siri, people would not often be bothered to search the information themselves as according to the Apple website, Siri "..understands what you say, knows what you mean, and even talks back. Siri is so easy to use and does so much, you'll keep finding more and more ways to use it." (Apple, 2011)

In conclusion, Smartphones are great for communication but it makes us less smart as it makes us less productive. Also, having a smartphones is the problem itself as it is a device that can do what the brain does and it has a huge destructive impact on the children’s generation Furthermore, Smartphones are becoming an extension of the human brain. The statements above are clearly enough to prove that Smartphones actually makes people less smart. Although there are several reasons on why Smartphones are useful, its negative consequences of using and owning one still outweigh its positive features; especially when it is used more often than normal. Therefore, people must try not to depend on it too much and this will be achieved if people would use Smartphones wisely and moderately

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Campus Life

Life. What is the meaning of life? Different individuals will describe it by their own words. But when we ask them which part of your life that you enjoy the most, most of them will probably say that campus life is the most exciting and precious time that they have gone through. Suddenly a smile is seen when they talk about their it. Same goes to me.

So, what is so exciting and interesting about this campus life? Campus life is the life that we all have to gone through someday. Where studying is our main job as well trying to adapt to the real life. Living independantly without the help of our parents. Far away from our comfort zone. Isn't that right? But, on the bright side, we all know that it was worth it.

Why is it often said that campus life is exciting? Because, in this period of time, you will be experiencing life with your friends. Friends are the people that will help you and accompany you through hardship and ease. You will start to encounter friends that can make you laugh, and sometimes make you cry. Living with them besides you will make you feel like home. The times that you spend together with your friends will be the most memorable memories in your life.

People often said that campus life is the most enjoyable time in your life. Decision making sometime is crucial in life. In campus life, there are times where you need to make a right decision. During this period, everything is up to you. Whether you want to do that, or that. Nothing going to tell you what is right or what is wrong. It is very challenging when you are going to make a decision by yourself, because, your choice will depends what will you ended up with.

Time is gold. Living independently will teach us to manage our time. There will many task that you have to do. Such task are studying by your own, get involve with extra curricular activities, and so on. Thus, you have to make your own time if want to do something that you like. Not to mention, studying is the main objective you came in here.

In conclusion, what kind of campus life that you will go through depends on yourself. Is it exciting? Is it dull and boring? Thus, try to have fun when you are studying but make sure that it is still in control. Lots of fun will make you lost of what should you do in campus life.

Friday, 14 February 2014


Holiday! Holiday! Holiday! Who can wait for holiday? Holiday give us a break from our routine and help us to refresh ourselves and go back to work with renewed energy. " Our bodies need a break from the stresses of work", says Andrew Mc Combe, author of Activate Your Life. We often overlook the importance of proper rest and relaxation but without it our bodies dont have any time to repair, recuperate and grow.

Holiday are not only meant for enjoying but also for pursuing our hobbies and interes. During holiday we can live our life as we want. Beside that, during holiday too can rebuild your body. It's easier for our body system to fight sickness when we're on holiday because it's not working so hard trying to fend off all the other environmental baddies. Then, our life will be better if we take some vacation.

Next, holiday can make people get even closer with each other strengthen the bond between them and family. It allows families to have fun together, hace meal together and visit all destinations together. When they share accommodation under one roof, it eliminates bitterness and creates good understanding among them.

Furthermore, vacations are important in human life because they are the biggest stress buster. They relieve your stress and incorporate freshness and vivacity. They are other forms of cheerfulness. Even most doctors, these days, advice patients to go on a vacation for a change, to reduce stress levels.

I know, holidays are enjoyed more by those, who work hard. because they bring change for them rather than for those who while away their time. It is indeed true that life without holidays would become boring, making one lose all interest in work and studies after all "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". Thus, holidays are as important for as going to school and study.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Best Friends are Myth

God has created this world with full of wonders. Living in this beautiful world without someone to share with is the same living alone in an island with everything that this world can offer. Thus, we need companions to get through this life. This so called companions are not other than friends. Friends can be categorizes as friends or best friends. Best friends are the most valueble person to have with. But, nowadays the community has spoken that best friends are myth. Is it true?

Best friends are precious to us. Why? Because best friends are the persons that willing to help you when come to hardship. Imagine when you puncture your motorcycle tyre, when there is no one to help you, your best friend will come to the rescue. In other example, when you are in trouble, such as no one to pick you up from the bus station, in the middle of the night, your best friend will most likely wake up from the bed to pick you up. Is it true?

Do you know how to spot a friend or best friend? It is obvious enough because friend will likely not going to be there when you need them the most. On the other hand, best friend will sacrifice for the sake of your well being. That is the most easiest way to spot a best friend. You will have many friends in your life but it is hard to find your best friends. Besides that, best friends most likely will spend most of their time hangout with you and that is how you spot them.

Coming to this, do best friends are myth? Is it true what they are saying about this? People nowadays has become more selfish. Everything is about theirselves and only theirselves. Caring for others has now becoming the last thing that people do. This result in best friends are becoming hard to find and eventually will become a myth.

Nowadays, it is very hard to find best friends. Such individuals will only come once in a blue moon. Thus if you all out there has already have best friends, treasure, cherished and appreciate them. Because they will make you life more meaningfull in overcoming challenges in the future. Is it best friends are myth? You decide.

Monday, 3 February 2014

My First Expectation of College Life

The year 2014 has just begun and so my life as a college student. Nothing much to say about my life. Simple from the beginning of the day until the sun sets in the west. This year is a new beginning in my life because i am not a school student anymore. It is time for me to move forward into the adult life. Learning to become a man.

Kolej Polytech MARA (KPTM) was the college that i have enrolled to further my studies. Before i have come to a conclusion on which learning institute that i preferred to further my studies, there were a lot of options to choose from. After much consideration, i finally picked KPTM in which to continue my studies.

Expect the unexpected. Before i send the enrollment form to KPTM, much i expected from this institution. The first impression that i looked for was whether the institution is well equipped with accommodation. Such accommodation that i looked for was the library. Besides that, i also looked for sports venue. The website of the institution has helped me to discover more about KPTM.

Other than accommodation, i also looked for whether the institution is equipped with professional lecturers. This is because, good lecturers will give me good grades in the future. Most likely. In addition, i expected  that college life is beautiful and fun. Not much difference from school life. Just a minor adjustment here and there that i expected.

On the aspect of learning, i was expecting the schedule will be less than school schedule. It was true that my teachers always said that when you were in higher learning institution, your schedule will be not tiring as much as when you were in school days.

Life as a college student was challenging for me. To be apart from my family was difficult for me at first. After several days, i have began tu understand and learned being independantly. Before this, some of my chores was done by my parents, now it was all up to me whether to get it done or not.

As for the conclusion, college life was new to me. There were lots of new things that i need to discover in order to really understand life. Especially college life. College life was the most exciting, fun and challenging period of time that we all had to live it. Exciting or not exciting was depended on us where we take care of our life. My last word was that we need to expect the unexpected, which in the future it will help us to prepare ourselves with the incoming challenges in life.