Friday, 14 March 2014

Online Shopping : Impulsive Vs Research

An artist ilustration on online shopping.
Shopping has become an important activity in our life. People are now becoming addicted in shopping. Such items are handbags, shoes, clothes and many more. Not to mention that, groceries are also as important as other goods. As we venture forth into the modern era, many many things has become moderniezed. You can even read news on your mobile phone nowadays. Internet has given a major impact on this world and also in the world of shopping.

Today online shopping has become a phenomena. People nowadays are becoming more 'lazy' thus they prefer go shopping online. Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce wich allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser. There are many kind of items that being sell on the internet. From televison to paper clip. All sort of things are available in the internet. But the question is should we buy it impulsively or through thoroughly research?

The word impulsive means acting or done without forethought. In the world of shopping, people tend to buy things without thinking. Eventually it will cause problems for some of the people at the end of the month. If you what i mean. Shopping impulsively has many disadvantages, such you will end up buying something that is no use for you, overbudget and many more.

Examples of online shopping web sites.
Trust me, people that buy more items than he or she could carry usually the items will end up in their closet. Buying with just considering your emotion and lust will be a waste compare to buy based on what you need. In a month, you do try to save some money so that in the future when there is an emergency, you can use that money for that. Buying impulsively can cost you in the future.

On the other hand, by going through research, one will simply know what is needed and how to get it. In the world of online shopping, there are a lots of scam. Thus, we need to be more carefull in using this method. Because, in some cases buyers already paid for the item, but the item does not came at all to the buyer. To overcome this, research is needed in order to know whether the website is an official and recognized by certain bodies.

As for the conclusion, going through research is much more safe than shopping online impulsively. We surely need to know what is our spending limit before engaging in this online shopping. Thus, in the future we will not being pressure by debts if we only buy what is needed and necessary in our life. Finally, online shopping is addicting, which we need to contain it not the other way around.

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