Monday, 29 September 2014


Yeay!!! The school holidays had finally arrived. This was the moment when all Malaysian were waiting for. Why?? Because this is the time where our parents were gonna take us for a vacations and we children were not going accept no for an answer. Isn't that right people?

Without wasting more time, let me share you my holiday that I had gone through this year. This year my holidays were not spent by going for a vacation to another country or to the most popular vacation spots in Malaysia. But my holiday was spent with my friends because my parents were to busy with their works. Its okay, because for me this has lead me to spend and explore what kind of experience when spending your holidays with your friends.

First it all begin with small talks that eventually lead to making a plan of going for a holiday in Pulau Kapas. First of all we thought that it was a ridiculous idea, but eventually everyone was agreeing with this plan. I never thought that it was going to get real. Without further a due, we all went buying bus tickets at the nearest bus station. The plan was carrying one backpack for each and everyone of us, get on the bus, then enjoy whatever adventures awaits us in the future. We were so called backpackers that day.

I didn't lie you all..hehehe
Upon reaching the jetty before going to step on to Pulau Kapas, we were introduce with the person in charge of getting us boat to get to Pulau Kapas. Hilariously, the agency that was going took us there was 'Mak Cik Gemuk' or in English we say fat auntie. Hehehe. It was more than enough to draw a smile on everyone of us after a long hours of travel from Selangor to Terengganu. At last, the boat has arrived and we were very excited at that time plus with some nervousness to those who were afraid with the sea, truthfully speaking I am one of them.

Woooooaaaaa....from a far, It was breathtaking seeing the view of the so called Pulau Kapas. We were all mesmerized with the wonderful creation of The Almighty. What a nice view, automatically the view was stored in my brain in the 'Until Dead I Remembered' section. As the boat approached the beach, we were very excited. Why we excited? Because we were called the city boys had a chance to experience life away from the cities. Not to mention some tourist were in their bikinis. Hehehe. Our eyes were frozen for a moment that time. One more thing, the sand was so soft compared to the sand that you all experienced from the main land. Then we all went ahead to our chalet to settle down.

Cameraman wannabe...
Oh My God (OMG), to be honest, the time that i spent with my friends on Pulau Kapas was priceless. From the sun rise until the sun set and even when the sun was replaced by the moon, our activity were never come to the end. We played volleyball, snorkelling, swimming and even had a coffee together. It was memorable memories that i will treasure as i started to get old. The most treasureable moment was when i snorkelling i almost stepped on a sea urchin!! Hahaha. Besides that we were trying to catch a crab!! Hahaha. That was the time where our childhood stuff were rekindled. I never knew eventhough we were all in our twenties, but we still have this childish self in everyone of us. Its true that a quote that i've learned when i'm in my secondary, 'you never get old'.

Some picture to share...

The last day had finally arrived and we were all set to get back to the mainland. Before setting off to the mainland we managed to get a picture together of all of us. It was the most amazing event that happened in my life. I shall treasured every second that i spent with them that day. We all went back with a smile on our face. Some part of my heart kept telling that it doesn't want it to end. But what to do, life must go on. Everything that has a beginning has an end a quote from The Matrix. Hehehe. Finally i would to thank you for reading this entry until this point. By that i end my entry today, see u all in the next entry. (^_^)

sorry for the bad english..hehehe..

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