Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Campus Life

Life. What is the meaning of life? Different individuals will describe it by their own words. But when we ask them which part of your life that you enjoy the most, most of them will probably say that campus life is the most exciting and precious time that they have gone through. Suddenly a smile is seen when they talk about their it. Same goes to me.

So, what is so exciting and interesting about this campus life? Campus life is the life that we all have to gone through someday. Where studying is our main job as well trying to adapt to the real life. Living independantly without the help of our parents. Far away from our comfort zone. Isn't that right? But, on the bright side, we all know that it was worth it.

Why is it often said that campus life is exciting? Because, in this period of time, you will be experiencing life with your friends. Friends are the people that will help you and accompany you through hardship and ease. You will start to encounter friends that can make you laugh, and sometimes make you cry. Living with them besides you will make you feel like home. The times that you spend together with your friends will be the most memorable memories in your life.

People often said that campus life is the most enjoyable time in your life. Decision making sometime is crucial in life. In campus life, there are times where you need to make a right decision. During this period, everything is up to you. Whether you want to do that, or that. Nothing going to tell you what is right or what is wrong. It is very challenging when you are going to make a decision by yourself, because, your choice will depends what will you ended up with.

Time is gold. Living independently will teach us to manage our time. There will many task that you have to do. Such task are studying by your own, get involve with extra curricular activities, and so on. Thus, you have to make your own time if want to do something that you like. Not to mention, studying is the main objective you came in here.

In conclusion, what kind of campus life that you will go through depends on yourself. Is it exciting? Is it dull and boring? Thus, try to have fun when you are studying but make sure that it is still in control. Lots of fun will make you lost of what should you do in campus life.

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