Thursday, 23 October 2014


One of the challenges in life, EXAMS!!
The day that all students are having butterfly in their stomach has just behind the corner. Now is the time where students are having a rough time studying for their exams. Besides that now is the time where libraries will become their second home instead of Curry King. Hehehe. Hanging out with friends are the most common and likely to do when handling with their free time. But when the time comes what a students need to do, all of that must be put away and focuses on the task at hand which is studying for their examination.

My past experienced when it comes with examination, i would rather spending my time alone studying. And you know what, it proves me wrong. Why did i said this because, each and everyone of us has their own kind of learning technique. Some people tends to study accompanying with the nicest music that they can get. Dont be surprise if some of you tends to study in a quiet with room. As quiet as cemetary like environment. Hehehe. As time passes by, i learnt that my kind of studying is through study group. For me that method is much more fun and exciting compare to studying alone. Two hands is much better than one. In this situation, two brains are much better than one. Hehehe.

When studying in a group, your brain tends to work more efficiently. This is because as you trying to understand the knowledge, plus with the questions that your friends ask you, you will start to grab the knowledge and understood it well. Trust me it works very well. Its like you receive payments plus interest. Hehehe. Exam is a must path that all students need to overcome. It is hard to swallow but it is what it makes us more mature when handling which task is much important to us.

Exam anybody??
The most common advice that we heard is study smart not study hard. There are a lots of advice we heard when approaching examination days. Isn't that right? In my opinion, we should know what aspects that we want advice so that we can improve on that matter. Such as, is studying late night is much better than studying during daytime? What are the pros and cons of such thing? By doing so, we will be much more prepare on what we are having to face. Another example, what kind of skills or techniques that we need to know when studying physics? By searching the answers for this question, it will help us in understanding more in how to tackle physics paper in the future.

As for the conclusion, be strong of what ever challenges in life that you will encounter. One of the challenges in life the examinations, it is step where you will need to pass in order to enter another stage in life and also in becoming human itself. Fear is just in mind, do not let it control over your body and your mind. Be brave and not to forget do your homework, your exercise, your study in order excel in your examinations. Hoping for the best without hardwork is the same as waiting a tree to grow without watering it. I pray that whoever read this entry and at the same he or she are having their examinations may excel well in their examinations. Not only excel but pass with flying colors. That's all from, see you next time. (^_^)

Sorry for the bad grammar or spelling.
May in the future i will improve my writing.

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