God has created this world with full of wonders. Living in this beautiful world without someone to share with is the same living alone in an island with everything that this world can offer. Thus, we need companions to get through this life. This so called companions are not other than friends. Friends can be categorizes as friends or best friends. Best friends are the most valueble person to have with. But, nowadays the community has spoken that best friends are myth. Is it true?
Best friends are precious to us. Why? Because best friends are the persons that willing to help you when come to hardship. Imagine when you puncture your motorcycle tyre, when there is no one to help you, your best friend will come to the rescue. In other example, when you are in trouble, such as no one to pick you up from the bus station, in the middle of the night, your best friend will most likely wake up from the bed to pick you up. Is it true?
Do you know how to spot a friend or best friend? It is obvious enough because friend will likely not going to be there when you need them the most. On the other hand, best friend will sacrifice for the sake of your well being. That is the most easiest way to spot a best friend. You will have many friends in your life but it is hard to find your best friends. Besides that, best friends most likely will spend most of their time hangout with you and that is how you spot them.
Coming to this, do best friends are myth? Is it true what they are saying about this? People nowadays has become more selfish. Everything is about theirselves and only theirselves. Caring for others has now becoming the last thing that people do. This result in best friends are becoming hard to find and eventually will become a myth.
Nowadays, it is very hard to find best friends. Such individuals will only come once in a blue moon. Thus if you all out there has already have best friends, treasure, cherished and appreciate them. Because they will make you life more meaningfull in overcoming challenges in the future. Is it best friends are myth? You decide.
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