Sunday, 14 August 2016

All Is Well...

Have you ever felt that you are still doing the same mistake again and again? Eventhough you've gone through it before,and you survive it,barely. You tend to do that mistakes again. Oh god, please help in finding peace and way to overcome this kind of problems. Today i just going to share with you all with what was happening inside my head for this couple of days. Lately i began thinking very thoroughly about what is going on with my life. Life is not as beautiful  as you can imagined. As you get older you will find and understand what i am referring to. For those who are at this stage, well young man, you've may make it through until now. Hahaha.

Lots of things happened and changed. I do have a problem. Which is my past still lingers and bothering me day by day. Until one time it can really turned my day around in an instant. From an energetic person to a person that even i do not know who am i. Maybe i do have a split personality. Well that is not the main point that i want to share. What i want to talk about is about how a person's past can affect future life. For an example, during his kids day, he has gone a lot of hardship in life. Eventually he becomes someone which is succesfull in his life. This shows that life can teach you to become strong and sadly it can also teach you to be weak. Well my friend, fortunately it is an option. It was your choice whether you want to be successfull or to be a good for nothing person.

I want to share about my life. In my life there was a part where i do feel soo low and disgust about myself. I do told myself that what am i doing with my life. We all do feel motivated when someone or something encouraged you to do an extra effort about your life. But what if that the thing that keeps you going was suddenly taken away from you. You knew that the things that you have been holding on all this while was something that is worth sacrificing for. Until you yourself felt that it is worthy of your life. We all knew what is the thing that is worth sacrificing your life with. Well, you guess it right.

This unfortunate event actually leaved a deep mark in you. A mark that you will never forget. To make it worst it also leave you with trauma. You maybe wont forgive yourself or even other for the things that they have done. I know this is hard for you. But surely every cloud has a silver lining. There surely be a way out from this. I've read many quote that motivated me through this while. It takes a lot more to overcome this. Honestly until now, if you are reading this until now, you are actually a strong person. Both in mind and in heart. Courage and determination is what define you. I respect you. You deserve something for reaching up until this point. Maybe your surrounding are not encouraging you enough, or even they does not even notice of what you have gone through. Trust me there are people out there who surely seeking for help right now.

Be patience, good things will sure come to those who suffer more. Having someone to be there for you is priceless. This happened to me this day, as i was listening my music from my playlist, my favourite song played, and you know what,haha, without knowing i see a smile on my face. *tears run down*. I do really appreaciate that moment. Small things may give a huge impact on a person. To other person it maybe just a small thing, but to someone who has a sensitive heart it may changed his all day.

My advice is that you should start your day with a smile. Smile to anyone that you make eye contact with. If the person did not reply back with a smile, don't get it in your head thinking all the negative thought that you can make up with. Just smile back to the next person that you met with. Life is to short to think about what is going on with a stranger's mind. Live your life to the fullest. Come on man, do what you love, think all the positive thought, let all the good vibe flows into you. Well then, i think i'll stop here for now. Surely keep noticing my blog for the next article that i want share with. My final word is that take all the good things from my article, and throw away all the bad things that you find in my article. Stay awesome guys. Let be peace in you.

Monday, 8 August 2016


Assalamualaikum geng, hahaha. Dah lama aku tak menulis dalam blog ni. Busy sikit kebelakangan ni. Hahaha. Alasan je kan, pdhl ade je msa cuma tumpuan aku trpksa diletakkan di tempat lain sementara waktu. Aku harap korang semua baik2 belaka. Doakan aku sentiasa bersama korang yang sedang membaca blog aku. Jgn risau akan doakan yg baik2 belaka untuk korang. Hehe.

Hari ni sebenarnya aku tkda idea nak sembang. Kdng2 idea ni datang dari hjung jari aku ni. Sambil aku menulis ni nnti adalah idea yang aku nak ketengahkan nanti. Kebelakangan ni kan ada beberapa perkara yg sering menganggu fikiran aku. Korang pernah tak sedang korang memikirkan sesuatu lama-kelamaan benda tu berkembang sehinggakan otak korang tk dapat nk bendung pemikiran korang tu? Senang cter korang overthinking. Haha. Terlalu banyak berfikir ni sebenarnya tak elok untuk kesihatan.

Izinkan aku untuk share sesuatu. Sebelum aku share, aku nak nyanyi stu lgu ni. Row row row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, life is just a dream. Kalau kita kupas elok2 lagu ni sebenarnya bnyk benda kita bleh belajar drpd lagu ni. Sumber aku dapat dri facebook. Ade seorang ni mengupas lgu ni dengan baik. Secara umumnya lgu ni menceritakan bahawa kita sendri perlu menggerakkan anggota tubuh kita, atau berkerja dengan tenang dan gembira. Bukan dgn struggling, dgn stress dan segala negative vibe yang bleh kita fikirkan. Dan lirik terakhir dia tu menceritakan hidup ini ibarat mimpi. Bila hri kita berakhir mesti kita tidur, dan bila bangun yg semalam itu ibarat mimpi. Tetapi mimpi yang mempunyai pengajaran untuk kita bawa bersama pada hari2 yg akan datang.

Hahaha. Mungkin pengupasan cerita aku ini tidak sampai. Tk mengapa. Secara kesimpulan jgn kita buat kerja dgn penuh stress. Sebb stress kills maaaa. Hahaha. Tenang geng, bnyk benda perlu kita tempuh dalam dunia penuh pancaroba ni. Percayalah, Insha Allah, Allah akan mempermudahkan urusan seharian kita. Itu antara doa2 yang aku baca pada setiap permulaan hariku dan untuk korang jgk. Semoga segala urusan kita dipermudahkan.

Geng, akan datang ni akan ada bnyk artikel yang aku akan tulis. Sebab mood untuk menulis tu sdh kembali. Huhu. Akan aku kupaskan isu2 yang menarik untuk kita sama2 menilai. Yang baik bleh dijadikan contoh dan yang baik itu kita jdkan teladan. Sampai disini shj dulu, akn dtg nanti akan aku menceritakan sesuatu dengan lebih spesifik lg. Akhir kata, hidup baik2 geng. Hahaha. Ciaoo, Assalamualaikum.