Monday, 24 February 2014

Smartphone But Less Smart People

Example of smartphones that are available on the market.

Smartphones, does it make us less smart? A smartphone is a very advanced technology that is own by mostly every  person.  It is also used every single day in our lives. They help and give us the information that we need such as any business-related matters, a 'toy' for a kid or a device that will give us entertainment. This may sound that it is a very good thing, but it is unfortunately not. Therefore, I will precisely explain the reasons why I am against Smartphones.

Firstly, Smartphones are great when using for communication purposes but it is making us less smart as most of the people use it more often than we are supposed to. People have become less socially interactive due to their dependence and obssession in Smartphones. For instance, there are people that would constantly check their Smartphone while walking or doing other activities such as hanging out with their friends or having a date. This shows that people are not aware of their surroundings as they are always busy doing something on their Smartphone. This leads to lack of social interaction and may cause the person to not get used to talking to other people in person. Therefore, people should converse with other people, not with the Smartphones.

A situation in asia country which show that people are spending more time with their smartphones.
Secondly, Smartphones makes us less productive. Smartphone is a tool that has everything in it. According to the article that I have read, they did a survey in their company in order to find out the difference of the employees with and without a Smartphone while working in their workplace. The result shows that having a Smartphone during work makes everyone to be less productive. Smartphones are a huge distraction while working as there are a range of activities that a person can do in it such as e-mails, text and video messaging, phonecalls, playing games, taking down notes and more. Therefore, the employees think that Smartphones are very reliable when working although in reality, it is not.

Thidly, having Smartphones is a problem itself as it is a device that can do what the brain does. it would have been better if it was built into something that the brain cannot do. Creation of Smartphones is like building the escalator when you already have the stairs, it does not help us use our muscles and brains in order to remember simple and important information and events that we need and are happening in our lives. I agree to a psychological fact that says "use it or lose it" as this applies to our daily lives when using Smartphones such as remembering directions using our brain instead of using a GPS application from the Smartphone. Once we do not exercise our brains, we lose the skills that our brains can do.

Fourthly, there is a huge impact to children when they use Smartphones. Smartphones separate the children from the principle of social interaction. Smartphones are designed to entertain the youth and adults but this discourages the children from interacting with the other kids as they do not really talk to each other using their mouth, but they just type the words that they want to say on their Smartphone and sends it to their peers. The Smartphone also lowers their confidence towards other people. Smartphones can also ruin the child's brain development. Rather than doing physical activities such as running and jumping with all the other children, they just sit on the corner pressing, swiping and tilting their Smartphone screens. This can also affect the children's health as they are often less mobile while playing with their Smartphones compared to what a usual kid would do. This results to children not having enough physical exercise that could result to being unfit and overweight or could develop any sickness or disease that may arise from insufficient physical activities.

People are becoming anti social with their daily life.
Lastly, Smartphones are becoming an extension of the human brain. People are being dependent to the Smartphones by using it as a GPS in order to remind the user about the upcoming events such as birthdays, assignment due dates, work-out routines that should be done on a particular date and more. These events and reminders are supposed to be remembered and stored in the brain, and our brains are supposed to be the one reminding the us these information. Therefore, this enables the brain to be more active and aware about our surroundings. Furthermore, by using the Apple iOS application Siri, people would not often be bothered to search the information themselves as according to the Apple website, Siri "..understands what you say, knows what you mean, and even talks back. Siri is so easy to use and does so much, you'll keep finding more and more ways to use it." (Apple, 2011)

In conclusion, Smartphones are great for communication but it makes us less smart as it makes us less productive. Also, having a smartphones is the problem itself as it is a device that can do what the brain does and it has a huge destructive impact on the children’s generation Furthermore, Smartphones are becoming an extension of the human brain. The statements above are clearly enough to prove that Smartphones actually makes people less smart. Although there are several reasons on why Smartphones are useful, its negative consequences of using and owning one still outweigh its positive features; especially when it is used more often than normal. Therefore, people must try not to depend on it too much and this will be achieved if people would use Smartphones wisely and moderately

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Campus Life

Life. What is the meaning of life? Different individuals will describe it by their own words. But when we ask them which part of your life that you enjoy the most, most of them will probably say that campus life is the most exciting and precious time that they have gone through. Suddenly a smile is seen when they talk about their it. Same goes to me.

So, what is so exciting and interesting about this campus life? Campus life is the life that we all have to gone through someday. Where studying is our main job as well trying to adapt to the real life. Living independantly without the help of our parents. Far away from our comfort zone. Isn't that right? But, on the bright side, we all know that it was worth it.

Why is it often said that campus life is exciting? Because, in this period of time, you will be experiencing life with your friends. Friends are the people that will help you and accompany you through hardship and ease. You will start to encounter friends that can make you laugh, and sometimes make you cry. Living with them besides you will make you feel like home. The times that you spend together with your friends will be the most memorable memories in your life.

People often said that campus life is the most enjoyable time in your life. Decision making sometime is crucial in life. In campus life, there are times where you need to make a right decision. During this period, everything is up to you. Whether you want to do that, or that. Nothing going to tell you what is right or what is wrong. It is very challenging when you are going to make a decision by yourself, because, your choice will depends what will you ended up with.

Time is gold. Living independently will teach us to manage our time. There will many task that you have to do. Such task are studying by your own, get involve with extra curricular activities, and so on. Thus, you have to make your own time if want to do something that you like. Not to mention, studying is the main objective you came in here.

In conclusion, what kind of campus life that you will go through depends on yourself. Is it exciting? Is it dull and boring? Thus, try to have fun when you are studying but make sure that it is still in control. Lots of fun will make you lost of what should you do in campus life.

Friday, 14 February 2014


Holiday! Holiday! Holiday! Who can wait for holiday? Holiday give us a break from our routine and help us to refresh ourselves and go back to work with renewed energy. " Our bodies need a break from the stresses of work", says Andrew Mc Combe, author of Activate Your Life. We often overlook the importance of proper rest and relaxation but without it our bodies dont have any time to repair, recuperate and grow.

Holiday are not only meant for enjoying but also for pursuing our hobbies and interes. During holiday we can live our life as we want. Beside that, during holiday too can rebuild your body. It's easier for our body system to fight sickness when we're on holiday because it's not working so hard trying to fend off all the other environmental baddies. Then, our life will be better if we take some vacation.

Next, holiday can make people get even closer with each other strengthen the bond between them and family. It allows families to have fun together, hace meal together and visit all destinations together. When they share accommodation under one roof, it eliminates bitterness and creates good understanding among them.

Furthermore, vacations are important in human life because they are the biggest stress buster. They relieve your stress and incorporate freshness and vivacity. They are other forms of cheerfulness. Even most doctors, these days, advice patients to go on a vacation for a change, to reduce stress levels.

I know, holidays are enjoyed more by those, who work hard. because they bring change for them rather than for those who while away their time. It is indeed true that life without holidays would become boring, making one lose all interest in work and studies after all "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". Thus, holidays are as important for as going to school and study.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Best Friends are Myth

God has created this world with full of wonders. Living in this beautiful world without someone to share with is the same living alone in an island with everything that this world can offer. Thus, we need companions to get through this life. This so called companions are not other than friends. Friends can be categorizes as friends or best friends. Best friends are the most valueble person to have with. But, nowadays the community has spoken that best friends are myth. Is it true?

Best friends are precious to us. Why? Because best friends are the persons that willing to help you when come to hardship. Imagine when you puncture your motorcycle tyre, when there is no one to help you, your best friend will come to the rescue. In other example, when you are in trouble, such as no one to pick you up from the bus station, in the middle of the night, your best friend will most likely wake up from the bed to pick you up. Is it true?

Do you know how to spot a friend or best friend? It is obvious enough because friend will likely not going to be there when you need them the most. On the other hand, best friend will sacrifice for the sake of your well being. That is the most easiest way to spot a best friend. You will have many friends in your life but it is hard to find your best friends. Besides that, best friends most likely will spend most of their time hangout with you and that is how you spot them.

Coming to this, do best friends are myth? Is it true what they are saying about this? People nowadays has become more selfish. Everything is about theirselves and only theirselves. Caring for others has now becoming the last thing that people do. This result in best friends are becoming hard to find and eventually will become a myth.

Nowadays, it is very hard to find best friends. Such individuals will only come once in a blue moon. Thus if you all out there has already have best friends, treasure, cherished and appreciate them. Because they will make you life more meaningfull in overcoming challenges in the future. Is it best friends are myth? You decide.

Monday, 3 February 2014

My First Expectation of College Life

The year 2014 has just begun and so my life as a college student. Nothing much to say about my life. Simple from the beginning of the day until the sun sets in the west. This year is a new beginning in my life because i am not a school student anymore. It is time for me to move forward into the adult life. Learning to become a man.

Kolej Polytech MARA (KPTM) was the college that i have enrolled to further my studies. Before i have come to a conclusion on which learning institute that i preferred to further my studies, there were a lot of options to choose from. After much consideration, i finally picked KPTM in which to continue my studies.

Expect the unexpected. Before i send the enrollment form to KPTM, much i expected from this institution. The first impression that i looked for was whether the institution is well equipped with accommodation. Such accommodation that i looked for was the library. Besides that, i also looked for sports venue. The website of the institution has helped me to discover more about KPTM.

Other than accommodation, i also looked for whether the institution is equipped with professional lecturers. This is because, good lecturers will give me good grades in the future. Most likely. In addition, i expected  that college life is beautiful and fun. Not much difference from school life. Just a minor adjustment here and there that i expected.

On the aspect of learning, i was expecting the schedule will be less than school schedule. It was true that my teachers always said that when you were in higher learning institution, your schedule will be not tiring as much as when you were in school days.

Life as a college student was challenging for me. To be apart from my family was difficult for me at first. After several days, i have began tu understand and learned being independantly. Before this, some of my chores was done by my parents, now it was all up to me whether to get it done or not.

As for the conclusion, college life was new to me. There were lots of new things that i need to discover in order to really understand life. Especially college life. College life was the most exciting, fun and challenging period of time that we all had to live it. Exciting or not exciting was depended on us where we take care of our life. My last word was that we need to expect the unexpected, which in the future it will help us to prepare ourselves with the incoming challenges in life.