Thursday, 27 August 2015

Everything seems not right

Is it me or is it usual to wake up and started to think about silly things? I noticed that as i wake up from my sleep, i actually not feeling refresh as my new day started. Instead i feel tired, because my mind wont stop thinking about things that are irrelevant to think about. Oh god, please relieve me from this tiredness.

All this started as a series of unfortunate event happened in my life. Lots of things that i want to forget about but it actually haunts me until this day. I feel so tired everyday. To make my mind stop to thinking about this bullshit, i actually hangs out with my friends. They are one of my remidies to get me stop thinking abouty problems. Now i understand a proverb saying that no man is an island.
There are a lots of unfortunate events that happened in my life and only God knows what have i been through. As time goes by, i thought all these things will be forgotten, but it turns out it is the other way around.

 As i am typing this entry, i actually cried on the inside. I always remember that a japanese proverb said that we humans are actually wearing 3 mask as we go on with our everyday life. The first mask is actually you wear to show to the world. The second mask you wear is when you are with your friends. It is true about when you are with your friends, you are tend to be another person. In other words show them your dark side of your character. Im sure all of you actually feel the same. Lastly is the mask where ONLY YOU will know. Not your family, not your siblings but only you know who that character is.

I am totally agree with that proverb. Because i actually experience with what that proverb said. In my deep deep heart actually i want someone to know the third mask that i wear. But i think that it is impossible for anyone to know. Because it was kept hidden inside a really really dark places in your heart. Only you have the access to it. This entry is written as i am having a bad start in my day. Well then, that is all for today. See you all again next time. Bye.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Inside Out Movie Review

Finally the day has come. The moment that i have waiting for so long. Which is where the movie Inside Out is release into the theatre. I was very excited with what the movie have installed for us the viewers. Hehehe. My day started with looking at my watch first with the intention of confirming what date was yesterday. With full of excitement and joy i asked some of my friends to join me watching this movie. They were all suppportive and without problems in joining me watching this movie.

Here comes the best part. The movie reviews. Hehehe. I have been studying this movie for a while. I am amazed by the way the director comes out with this idea. I never thought that and ever think about making a story about the human emotions. This level of creativity actually have blown my mind away. Hehe. Seriously, have you ever thought about giving a character to each and everyone of your emotions? Maybe some of you ever thought about that, but most of us maybe not.

There were 5 main characters in this movie which is Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Sadness. Each and everyone of them represent a colour. For each colour there were several reasons why that particular colour was choosen. For example, red was given to anger. This is because, red are the colour of the fire,most likely, which were hot, thus anger were relatively close to fire. That is why red was choosen to represent anger. Same goes for the emotions, blue represent sadness, purple represent fear, green represent disgust while peach represent joy.

I am amazed with this film's storyline. It shows that as human aged, emotions that running in their mind starts to evolve and evolve. As we were a child, everything was control by joy. For everything that you do in life, it must brought joy. Humans were in search of happiness, without knowing that, some happiness may came in such a way that must be through some other emotions. Not only just through joy itself can bring laughter and happiness in the hearts of mankind. 

There was a scene were joy and sadness found Riley's long lost imaginary friends, which was Bing Bong. The most hilarious part was where he described himself as part car, part elephant, part cotton candy and also part dolphin. Hahaha. Seriously, it was very funny. The best part which touch my deep subconcious part of my heart was where Joy and Bing Bong were stuck in the place of the forgotten memory. They used the song-fuelled wagon to get back up again. But Bing Bong realised that he would'nt survive much longer. This scene actually taught us about something. Which was however precious the memory was, as time goes by, it will evetually fade away. In life, there were memory that you wanted to hold the most and dear. You treasured it, you tresured it but it will eventually fade away as time goes by. This actually brought tears to my eyes. :,(

The moment where joy actually cried also amazed me. I first thought that joy would never cried. In the end, joy actually cried, at that moment when she realised that happiness can also came in a way where after a tragedy came, such as sadness. Sadness is also important in changing a person's judgement. In the end, sadness was the one who can pull out anger's idea and eventually save the day.

Out of 5 stars, i would likely give 5 stars. Was it overated? Hahaha. I was my opinion. I'm sure you all have a different perspective about this movie. After all every humans has its way of thinking. My advice, when you go to wacth this movie, try to relate i with your life. Im sure its gonna give a huge impact on yourself and eventually it will brought tears to your eyes. That is all for today. See you next time. Bye!