Sunday, 20 December 2015


It has been awhile since i posted an entry in this blog. As usual i always caught up in doing many things. Many things which eventually makes my head going nuts for some time..hehe. For this entry i will talk about some thing that happened in my life lately. It is about friends.

No man is an island. This is a famous line that i learn in my primary school. I've going through a lot these days. There were time when you feel all alone and by yourself. You think that you need to reset your life in order to get it back on track. I am feeling that way because there are things that lead me astray from my objectives, my mission and vision. In life you will need to struggle in order to get it or to achieve success. Such as in your studies, your business, your relationship with your spouse and many other more. Not to forget our relationship with our friends.

Friends are the second most influencing individual in our life. I am sure that all of you readers agreed with me on this. This is because we spend most of our times with them. Even family members does not get the opportunity spending time together like them. As a result we tend to behave and follow what friends shown to us in the aspect of attitude, behavior, and many more. For example, spending time more with friends that always strive for perfection will eventually makes you also wants to being perfect in anything. Mingle with those who are delinquents will eventually makes you a delinquents also.

Enough with the introduction. I am sure you all will get the same introduction in books about self motivation at the bookstore..hehe. I have friends. Not that many, but i love making new friends. It lets you to know many things in life. If you are lucky, it unlocks you to an opportunity that will helps you in improving yourself and people surrounding you. Trust me, because i have been in that situation and it let me do something that helps me in a way.

There were times when to much spending time with your friends will lead you astray. I am not saying that making friends is bad and staying in touch also bad for you. I am just saying that you need to put a barrier that makes you aware and always on guard of things that give negative influences on you. Worst, to your friends. For me i do not want to give bad influences to my friends. Especially to those who actually good in person. Good in attitude, good in behavior. If i am giving bad influences to them, it is better for me to walk away. It may be hard, and maybe this action is not acceptable by many people. If you think so, feel free to give your opinion. I think this is all the time that i have. In the upcoming days, i think i will write more because i found that writing is the best way for me to express my feelings. Stay strong and healthy guys!hehe..

Sunday, 13 September 2015

A Simple Act Can Make A Difference

A thought for today.
Have somthing ever occur to you that even a small act can affect your whole life? Let us talk about this more thoroughly. I am bringing this topic up because we humans sometime does not aware of what happening to them. Sometime they became heartless and not letting their heart to see things that is good for them. Admitting what is right is also the same as giving your heart to see what people dont see. Trust me, sometime the heart and mind does not in sync. 

Why is that? Because our mind think rasionally in making any decision in our life. Prooving which one is good and which one is bad. While our heart makes a decision purely on our intuition, emotional factors and many more. If you have come to this state means that you actually an adult. Being an adult is not just numbers on you age. But it is actually measured on how mature your why of thinking and also you knowledge. That is what differentiate between an adult and human which is growing up.

Heart Vs Mind
People nowadays tends to block and not admitting what is actually true and false. They sometime taking one side only without giving a chance to let them know what is on the other side. By doing so, they actually not letting their mind and heart do their jobs. As emotion takes over, wrong decisons may be made. May god keep us away from making terrible decisions in our life.

A simple act can give a meteor-like impact to you. Is it true? It happened to me actually. As i was seldomly having trouble with my sleep. Having never-ending problems. I know that getting up earlier is every man responsibility. If you get up early, you can get lots of things done. As i was asleep, a sweet voice woke me up. I know this might sound silly for someone out there. But that voice actually sooth me as i woke up and i know this actually does not sound so special, but for me having someone that you does not know well calling you anf reminding you of something that is your responsibilty, it was priceless for me. Thank you for waking me up.

After that day, it actually haunts me until this day. I always thinking can i get that feeling again? Well then, that is all i want to say and share with you who are reading this entry. May we meet again in the next entry. Goodbye.
Does anybody has been in this situation?

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Everything seems not right

Is it me or is it usual to wake up and started to think about silly things? I noticed that as i wake up from my sleep, i actually not feeling refresh as my new day started. Instead i feel tired, because my mind wont stop thinking about things that are irrelevant to think about. Oh god, please relieve me from this tiredness.

All this started as a series of unfortunate event happened in my life. Lots of things that i want to forget about but it actually haunts me until this day. I feel so tired everyday. To make my mind stop to thinking about this bullshit, i actually hangs out with my friends. They are one of my remidies to get me stop thinking abouty problems. Now i understand a proverb saying that no man is an island.
There are a lots of unfortunate events that happened in my life and only God knows what have i been through. As time goes by, i thought all these things will be forgotten, but it turns out it is the other way around.

 As i am typing this entry, i actually cried on the inside. I always remember that a japanese proverb said that we humans are actually wearing 3 mask as we go on with our everyday life. The first mask is actually you wear to show to the world. The second mask you wear is when you are with your friends. It is true about when you are with your friends, you are tend to be another person. In other words show them your dark side of your character. Im sure all of you actually feel the same. Lastly is the mask where ONLY YOU will know. Not your family, not your siblings but only you know who that character is.

I am totally agree with that proverb. Because i actually experience with what that proverb said. In my deep deep heart actually i want someone to know the third mask that i wear. But i think that it is impossible for anyone to know. Because it was kept hidden inside a really really dark places in your heart. Only you have the access to it. This entry is written as i am having a bad start in my day. Well then, that is all for today. See you all again next time. Bye.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Inside Out Movie Review

Finally the day has come. The moment that i have waiting for so long. Which is where the movie Inside Out is release into the theatre. I was very excited with what the movie have installed for us the viewers. Hehehe. My day started with looking at my watch first with the intention of confirming what date was yesterday. With full of excitement and joy i asked some of my friends to join me watching this movie. They were all suppportive and without problems in joining me watching this movie.

Here comes the best part. The movie reviews. Hehehe. I have been studying this movie for a while. I am amazed by the way the director comes out with this idea. I never thought that and ever think about making a story about the human emotions. This level of creativity actually have blown my mind away. Hehe. Seriously, have you ever thought about giving a character to each and everyone of your emotions? Maybe some of you ever thought about that, but most of us maybe not.

There were 5 main characters in this movie which is Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Sadness. Each and everyone of them represent a colour. For each colour there were several reasons why that particular colour was choosen. For example, red was given to anger. This is because, red are the colour of the fire,most likely, which were hot, thus anger were relatively close to fire. That is why red was choosen to represent anger. Same goes for the emotions, blue represent sadness, purple represent fear, green represent disgust while peach represent joy.

I am amazed with this film's storyline. It shows that as human aged, emotions that running in their mind starts to evolve and evolve. As we were a child, everything was control by joy. For everything that you do in life, it must brought joy. Humans were in search of happiness, without knowing that, some happiness may came in such a way that must be through some other emotions. Not only just through joy itself can bring laughter and happiness in the hearts of mankind. 

There was a scene were joy and sadness found Riley's long lost imaginary friends, which was Bing Bong. The most hilarious part was where he described himself as part car, part elephant, part cotton candy and also part dolphin. Hahaha. Seriously, it was very funny. The best part which touch my deep subconcious part of my heart was where Joy and Bing Bong were stuck in the place of the forgotten memory. They used the song-fuelled wagon to get back up again. But Bing Bong realised that he would'nt survive much longer. This scene actually taught us about something. Which was however precious the memory was, as time goes by, it will evetually fade away. In life, there were memory that you wanted to hold the most and dear. You treasured it, you tresured it but it will eventually fade away as time goes by. This actually brought tears to my eyes. :,(

The moment where joy actually cried also amazed me. I first thought that joy would never cried. In the end, joy actually cried, at that moment when she realised that happiness can also came in a way where after a tragedy came, such as sadness. Sadness is also important in changing a person's judgement. In the end, sadness was the one who can pull out anger's idea and eventually save the day.

Out of 5 stars, i would likely give 5 stars. Was it overated? Hahaha. I was my opinion. I'm sure you all have a different perspective about this movie. After all every humans has its way of thinking. My advice, when you go to wacth this movie, try to relate i with your life. Im sure its gonna give a huge impact on yourself and eventually it will brought tears to your eyes. That is all for today. See you next time. Bye!

Monday, 6 April 2015

First Reunion

Fariz and Amar
Good morning everybody. Today, as always, monday. Hehe. Still got that monday blues? Relax bro, just pretend today as a new beginning for a new journey. A fascinating journey that awaits your presence. My hopes and prays are always with you all. May you all have a wonderfull day today. (^_^)

I have spend my weekend very effectively i think. He. Why? Because yesterday i went to my friends wedding. It was a wonderful event. Lot of people gather around that day. Because both parties attend to one event only. The bride and groom were very beautiful and handsome that day.

To make it more special, i have reunited with my classmate after soo long we have been apart. It was 6 years until we have meet again on that day. To be honest, tears run down as we all happily spend some time together. The tears not physically appeared on my face but in my heart, only god knows what am i feeling on that time.

We went for a bowling session, had dinner together. Lots of conversation about our previous life. It was a very delightful evening that day. You know what, after 6 years we all been apart, the special thing was we felt that it was like we never been apart at all. Still the same since we left school. The connections were still there. I thought it was going to be an akward evening. Truly it was very different than what am i predicting.

BUDDYYZZ!! (^_^)
I will never forget the experience and also the moments that we have been through. I shall kept this moments as one of the wonderfull things that happens in my life. It is true that friends may come and go. But for me, we all can make a difference by nourishing friendship so that it will last forever. Special regards to Amar Faris and Fariz Ngatmi. Thanks bro for reminding me about the '7 Shadow'. Hahaha. Still makes me laugh wherever i am. So guys, treasure your friends. It has been 6 years, but my friendship still last. It is like a miracle and i thank god for giving me the oppurtunity of getting to know them. (^_^) *tears run down*

Fariz with his 'invisible' friend..he..naah..just joking.. :P

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Hey...its been a while.. =)

It has been a while since i post something in this blog..hehe..sorry for the long pause. These past few month was very challenging for me. There were alot of things that came to me. Problems? Lots of them. It took me a while since i get back on my feet. There were lots of things that ran in my mind lately. Only god know what have i been through.

Enough with what has past. Now i would like to share to you guys what had happened last night. It was friends birthday. It was a very wonderful evening. The best part was he didnt even noticed about what have we installed for him. Hehehe. To tell you the truth, if im the one who was being celebrated, i tell i am most delightfull with what have they done for me. Hehe. He is very lucky to have us as his friends.

Actually i didnt plan to write anything today. As i was waiting for my meal, suddenly the feeling to write something came. Sorry if im being not making sense for this post. Here comes my meal. All right,i will end my post here for. Later on i will write something inspiring or beneficial for you later. Ok guys, see you then, stay fabulous and happy always. Bye!!he..