Sunday, 27 November 2016


Take a deep breath guys...
Today come a moment where i try to search an answer for myself. My own personal problem. Rather than i was searching for the answer, i then realized that what am i searching for. U know what, for your information, just recently i finished one of the journey that i started before. I never expected to get through all the challenges and hardship that i have faced in order to arrived at this moment. Credit to myself. Hahaha.

There were times that i actually want to give up with what am i doing right now. To be honest, i have faced so many obstacle and hardship in order to stand where i am today. With the help from Allah, i finally got the courage and the determination that drive me until today. But, lately, come time where i started to question back what am i going to do with my life. This question was always on my mind.

People do have their own perception towards everything that happened in their life. If you are seeing things other than people see, than my friend, don't tell yourself that you are wrong. Let yourself learn more. Then, eventually you will be enlighten with the things that will proves whether you are wrong or not. Here, i want to say that, knowledge is very important. Learn and learn, trust me it will surely benefit you in the future.

Women is very complicated. These are the word that seldom i heard this past few days. Yes, and i agree with that. But, it does not change the fact that there are women who are not so complicated that the community always mention about. With this, i can say that men sometime can be complicated as well. Thus, we human were created special each an everyone of us. It is true that researchers has done their research and come up with the result but there are things that we ourselves need to experience it by our-self rather than ask google for the answer. It will surely amazed you in the end.

Let your mind be at peace...
People said that, you are being true to yourself when you are alone. It has been some time i am living by myself. This mind really like to wander. Sometime it wonder off to some extend where reality seem not so real anymore. It is good to let your mind wonder off a bit, but when it has gone far enough, we should keep it back on track. I know we all living in an era where the media feed us with things that are too good to be true. Thus, we should always be aware with this situation. I'm a little bit frightened with this situation. Nevertheless, we should all be careful with what we are letting into our mind.

All right, it finally come to this. I'm sharing this because, there was time where i really do not have the words when i am confronting or sharing my thoughts with somebody. Then it hits me. I tried to share my ideas and thoughts through writing. Because, i do feel easy when expressing myself through writing. That is why i am using blog as a way for me to share my thoughts. If there is goodness in my writing, then we all can take it as a lesson, while if there is negativity or inappropriateness, then you all should tell me to correct what is wrong. Well then, until next time. Stay steadfast and focus in everything you all were doing. Spend your time well guys. =)

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Grrrrrr.....Stood Up Straight!!!

Smile for me pleaseeeeee... =)

Assalammualaikum semua, hai, hari ni aku tk ade topik khusus untuk aku bercerita. Actually skrng ni aku tgh serabut dengan beberapa series of event yang happen dalam hidup aku ni. Its ok, ill manage. Coz i know im strong. Hahaha. Mengade betul ayat aku ini. Aku sendiri menyampah plak rasa. Hahaha. Ok2. Jangan merapu sangat ok wahai diri ku sendiri.

Hari ni merupakan hari yang tidak produktif, selain daripada mengemas rumah, basuh baju, memasak dan sebagainya. Hahaha. Mcm tk caya hari ni aku masak kuew teow goreng. Alhamdulillah, it is quite good. Bleh bukak kedai lepas ni. Hahaha. Korang, aku nak tnya sesuatu, pernah tk korang rasa bila kau bersemangat giler kat sesuatu perkara tu, but in the end org lain buat dek je dengan semangat kau ni. Hmmmm. Guaner niiiii.

Hahaha. Bukan ape, bagi aku kalau someone tu mcm beriya2 pada something, u should not let down or bring down semangat org tu. Serious, aku tk nk buat mcm tu if berhadapan dengan orang yang dalam keadaan itu. Ye lah, suppose kita ni memberi sokongan kat orang yg mcm ni. Coz u never know dengan sokongan kau tu, dia bleh jadi seseorang yang berjaya pada masa akan datang. Sebagai contoh, kalau cikgu kau brings out the best in you, of course one day nanti korang akan rasa bersyukur sgt keran Allah pertemukan korang dengan lecturer/cikgu yang mcm tu. Same with this situation.

Janganlah kita patahkan semangat seseorang itu dek kerna ego atau emosi kita. Percayalah, u will gain something jugak in the end of the day. Hahaha. Baru2 ni aku rasa bersemangat jgk, ade jugak org yang mematahkan semangat aku, tapi akhirnya aku struggle gak maintain semangat aku ini. Hahaha. U know what, it actually benefitting me in the end. Lucky meeeee. Hehehehehe.

Ya Allah, aku berdoa pada mu. Sesungguhnya kau lindungilah orang2 yang aku sayang. Walaupun tidak aku sebut nama mereka disini, tapi kau sebenarnya tahu siapa yang aku maksudkan. Hehehe. Nasihat aku kan, Life may be cruel to you, but it doesnt mean that u need to be cruel to other. Let us end the cycle of hate. Let there be love in the air. Hahahaha. Inilah jadi kalau aku letting my fingers do the talking instead of letting my brain to the thinking first. Idea datang tk menentu. Hahaha. Jangan kecam cara penulisan aku ni. Coz im just a human being, and mistake is something that i do a lot.

Hahahaha. Ape benda aku cerita nth. Hahaha. Ok2, mungkin i shall stop this nonsense until now. Akhir kata aku nak ckp, jgn patahkn semangat orang yang bersemangat towards something ni. Tk rugi pun kalau kita support dia. In the end kita jugak yang dapat reward. Percayalah. Dont be selfish ok. hahaha. Orait then, take care u olls. My Allah ease everything that is hard for u. Assalamualaikum.


Monday, 7 November 2016

Do you have what it takes to start a business???

  1. Having a vision and mission for your business is one of the ways to motivate yourself.
  2. Self- motivation is built first by knowing the cause to own a business.
  3. Dream is an important goal for the cause you were thinking about.
  4. Finally is by having the hunger to achieve the cause and dream that you wish for.
  5. Starting a business with your own personal interest is a bonus.
  6. While other people are still thinking of what kind of business to do, you are already one step ahead by doing what you like and what you are good at.
  7. Besides that, considering your personal interest as a business also gives other benefit.
  8. Firstly, it will help you develop and generate lots of ideas.
  9. Furthermore, the best way to make sales is to believe in your product and have faith that all products that you promote will benefit people in many ways.
  10. The point is that, it is much easier to start or develop a business when you have an interest in it.
  11. This element plays very important role not only in the planning stage of your business but also in other stages until you become a successful business owner.
  12. Not only that, family may also be one of your fund providers when it comes to startup capital.
  13. To make sure that your family members will not suffer from any risks due to your own ambitions and target, you have to discuss with them, especially your spouse and children before you pursue your business dream to ensure that everyone is prepared with the business.
  14. Running a business will involve both physical and emotional activities.
  15. Even in the planning stage, you will have to consider every single thing; business planning, operational process, accounts and procurement, as well as products/services marketing. It is totally tiring and stressful.
  16. Having good physical health will ensure you the strength to cope with all heavy activities and operations involved, supported by good emotional health that will avoid you from being demotivated by any unwanted problems and challenges.
  17. Guts refer to an entrepreneurial instinct, which is an overwhelming desire to have your own business.
  18. While appropriate educational credentials are important, entrepreneurial "brains" means much more than scholastic achievements.
  19. You will need seed money of your own, plus sufficient cash, to maintain a positive cash flow for at least the first year of your business. In future session, you will learn how to forecast future cash requirements through cash flow control. Many businesses can be set up on a very small scale with a small investment. Then, as the business grows and as you gain experience, cash flow from your business can be used for growth. In some cases, you don't even need starting capital to hire other people because you might start by doing everything yourself. The "do it yourself" strategy is a good way to learn everything about your business and also makes you better qualified to delegate work to others later on. You can control your risk by placing a limit on how much you would like to invest in your business.
  20. Your business could be named from something memorable, a name related to your area of work, or availability of potential domain name.
  21. You have to select business name that can distinguish you from other people or business.
  22. Your business name should be attractive, brief and memorable to represent your products or services. You have to make sure that no one else is sharing the same or similar business name that you are using.