What a good day to do something that I usually don't do. Today is the second day I stayed in Perak. As I told you before I was here to visit my aunt who was being hospitalized. I hope that she will get well soon enough. My hopes and prays are for her. My God give her strength to overcome this trial.
Living your day until it becomes a routine in your daily life may cause you becoming a robot with a human face. Why not try something that is spontaneous thing to do. Having to travel by car or bus is to common for me. This I'm trying something new today which is traveling back to Kuala Lumpur by ETS.
ETS stands for Electric Train Service. Travelling by ets is a new experience for me. It has been so long since I've ride a train. If I'm not mistaken, the last time I ride a train was when I'm in my standard 3 or maybe 6 or maybe around that period.
Using the train to get through the country is very convenient for me. I'm enjoying myself as I see outside the window whether it is just road I see or trees or even ducks. These view that I found sometime enlighten me to God's creation. Besides that I also found that inspiration may comes in many different ways. This is because I find it easy to find ideas in this environment. Different people have different way of seeing things. Maybe it is just me but I believe that there are someone out there that may see things as I do.
The journey may took around 2 hours. I can get through with it. Because I found that my time is not wasted on something foolish or non beneficial action. For an example I write this entry as I travel back th KL. It is fast and comfortable.
My eyes are getting sleepy as my fingers also are getting tired. Hehe. I hope I can write to you all readers everyday if I have the time to do so. Having someone to read my post is very precious to me. Trust me, it's feel like your crush reading your love letter. That is how I feel. Hehe. Until then, say well and healthy guys, stay out of drugs. Goodbye, and may be peace upon u.