Sunday, 13 September 2015

A Simple Act Can Make A Difference

A thought for today.
Have somthing ever occur to you that even a small act can affect your whole life? Let us talk about this more thoroughly. I am bringing this topic up because we humans sometime does not aware of what happening to them. Sometime they became heartless and not letting their heart to see things that is good for them. Admitting what is right is also the same as giving your heart to see what people dont see. Trust me, sometime the heart and mind does not in sync. 

Why is that? Because our mind think rasionally in making any decision in our life. Prooving which one is good and which one is bad. While our heart makes a decision purely on our intuition, emotional factors and many more. If you have come to this state means that you actually an adult. Being an adult is not just numbers on you age. But it is actually measured on how mature your why of thinking and also you knowledge. That is what differentiate between an adult and human which is growing up.

Heart Vs Mind
People nowadays tends to block and not admitting what is actually true and false. They sometime taking one side only without giving a chance to let them know what is on the other side. By doing so, they actually not letting their mind and heart do their jobs. As emotion takes over, wrong decisons may be made. May god keep us away from making terrible decisions in our life.

A simple act can give a meteor-like impact to you. Is it true? It happened to me actually. As i was seldomly having trouble with my sleep. Having never-ending problems. I know that getting up earlier is every man responsibility. If you get up early, you can get lots of things done. As i was asleep, a sweet voice woke me up. I know this might sound silly for someone out there. But that voice actually sooth me as i woke up and i know this actually does not sound so special, but for me having someone that you does not know well calling you anf reminding you of something that is your responsibilty, it was priceless for me. Thank you for waking me up.

After that day, it actually haunts me until this day. I always thinking can i get that feeling again? Well then, that is all i want to say and share with you who are reading this entry. May we meet again in the next entry. Goodbye.
Does anybody has been in this situation?