Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Top 5 Most Commonly Lost Items in College

NO. 5

This is the most commonly use s.calculator in college.
Calculator was on the last of the list because it was a very valuable piece of equipment. Thus students were unlikely to lose it. That is why it was on the tenth item that most commonly lost item in college. Students were not likely to lose this item, but dropping it when examination time was commonly happen. In fact, it has become a must. Hehehe.

NO. 4

Haha, better keep an eye on it.
Haha, you never know you had it sometime until the moment you want to use it. Isn't that right? Stapler ranked number 9 because it does not as valuable as the calculator, but students will usually lost it when you most needed it. In fact they never realized that they've lost it.

NO. 3

Better buy just one so that you tend to
treasure it more.
Have it occurred to you that you've just replenished your supplies of stationary which of course the pens and pencils, 5 pens were put inside your pencil case and by the end of the end of the day, you noticed two were gone. Hehehe. Magic right. That is why pen/pencil was ranked third on the list.

NO. 2

Remember this?
Hah, eraser has pop out. You knew it was coming right? Hahaha. Eraser ranked second because by the size of it, students often lose it. In fact, in some case your friends accidentally took it by mistake. Because, eraser was usually shared among the students compare to having your own eraser. Am I right? In my experienced, my friends when it comes to eraser, always blaming it on others for mistook it.

NO. 1

Where's my ruler???
We've finally come to this, ruler ranked number 1 because it was the most often lost item in college. I don't why but in my past experienced, during packing my stationery, ruler were the most common item that tends to lost. 

~Well then, that is all for now. This list is according to my experience. I know some of you does not agree with me. Feel free to drop a comment about the most common thing that you've lost when you are in college. Until we meet again in the next entry, may you have a blessfull day always.