Example of social network. |
As the world become modern, and life is getting more easier, therefore social life also become easier. Social networking has become a part of everyone in their life. Out of 10 people, 9 of them has Facebook account. Trust me. Social network has its own impact to every one of us. The effect will vary with the individuals. Some people are good in managing their life, thus they are not easily distracted by this virtual social life. But there are some others that is making their life much more worse with this social network. Why must i talk about the effect of social network on other person instead i can be one of the person who being affected by social network. What i am trying to say is what is the effect of social network to me.
First, it lets me connect with my friends. I am amaze that when the first time i use Facebook, i was asked to be friend from a very long lost colleague of mine. That is the beauty that i see about Facebook. Furthermore you can get to know the person better by the pictures or status that they share on the net. As i start using Facebook, i eventually feels that there are some people out there are having a bad time when comes the time when you feel down with your life. Thus i would like to inspire people out there with my status. I do not want other feel bad with their life, instead they should cherish their life to the fullest.
There are time where you spend more time on the computer. Being unproductive is a very waste of time. God has given you time where you should use it to become a better individuals. Not being a lazy bum. It also happens to me. Sometime when you update your status you are expecting your friends to like it or to comment on it. This act will surely cost you. Do not let the Facebook control you. We are human thus we are the one who are controlling them. I seldom spend more time on social network because i don't have many friends, thus i use social network as a medium for me to express myself and maybe inspire other to become a better person.
Artist illustration on social network. |
Spending time the social network will get you nowhere. Are you certain and sure that your friends in the social network will help you in time in need? Are you sure that they are wanting to be your friend sincerely? There are people where they are proud with their many friends on social network. Hello, what there is to be proud of? I bet that there are only a few that you really know who they are. Others are just as an accessories in their social network. Unlike me, i treasure my friends dearly. I do not know what will happen to me if they are gone. I prefer getting to the person in person which we can laugh together, walk together, share our emotion and many more. There are saying friendship is like a book, it only take a minute to burn but take lots of time to write the story.
In real life, i am always searching what to add in my life. Whether it be friends, experience, social life.I would like all this to stay out from the virtual life of the social network. If i had to run, i will run. If i had to jump, i will jump and if i had to confront it, i will. That is my motto. I shall not let social network becoming the wall between me trying to enjoy my life to the fullest. My advice before i end this entry, get out there and look people on the eyes, not your smartphone. Let them know that you exist in real not virtually. I am human, and i am proud being a human...